Intervju med Richelle
Who do you think made the leap to the screen with the fewest changes in how you envisioned them?
Richelle Mead: "I would say Zoey Deutch as Rose. She is so similar to what I envisioned in my head. There was a book cover that came out close to when Vampire Academy did and it had a girl on there, and I remember looking at it and thinking, 'Oh, I wish that was Rose. I wish they had put that on my book because that's how I pictured her.' And I saw that recently - it's been years - and I was like, 'Wow, she looks so much like Zoey Deutch.' It's so interesting, and I never showed that to anyone.
She's very similar, not just in appearance but also just her attitude when you meet her. Zoey's very outgoing, she's very energetic, and she just kind of radiates that same personality. And so I think that was such a smart choice for them because there's any number of beautiful, dark-haired girls in Hollywood that they could have cast that would have fit that description, but to actually kind of be able to channel that personality too I think was just a huge triumph on the casting people's part."
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Zoey, Dominic och Richelle via Zoeys instagram.