Category: Richelle Mead |
2013-09-25 | 13:55:00
Richelle pratar om VA-böckerna
Richelle skrev detta på sin blogg:
"Here's what's going on. This winter, my American publisher is going to be re-releasing the Vampire Academy series with different covers. Starting around November, new paperback printings of the VA series will have covers like the one you see above. That's the first book. Each of the other books will have a new cover with the same pattern, so Frostbite will be blue with a background image of those two people from the former cover design covered by the VA logo. Now, it's important to note that this will not be happening overnight. It's not like on November 1, all VA books will have these new covers. However, it does mean they will become more and more frequent in stores and online, and these old covers may become harder to find:

Again, it won't be an all or nothing replacement right away. You'll probably find both versions in stores for a while, and it's hard to say what you'll get when you order online as inventories shift.
As you process that, here's something else that'll be happening. At the end of December, another new set of VA books will be coming out with--you guessed it--movie tie-in covers. I don't have any previews of these, but you can assume there'll be some awesome pictures of the cast. These will be out along with the redesigned ones in stores (that's the first pic I posted), but I can't guarantee where you'll get what. So, one store may have redesigns, movie tie-ins, and old ones. One store may only have redesigns. Another may only have movie tie-ins. There'll be lots of options!
What does this mean for you? It means plan accordingly! If you like the old cover or need to complete your set, now is the time to get on that and buy them while they're still available. If you like the new redesigned style with the VA logo, hold off until this winter to stock up in November (or ask for them for Christmas!). And if you want movie covers, ask for gift cards for Christmas so that you can then buy the movie ones in late December or in January. Something cool to know is that when the movie versions come out, there'll also be a boxed set of books 1-6 released and a book about the making-of the movie. The Bloodlines series will not be affected by any of this.
For those in other countries, covers are always at the discretion of your publishers, so I can't say for sure what's going on. I'm pretty sure the English-speaking countries (especially Canada, the UK, and Australia) will get movie covers around the same time the US does, but I've heard nothing of redesigns. If you're in a country that doesn't print my books in your language and instead relies on imports of American books, you'll probably be seeing a mix of covers.
So, lots of exciting things are coming! I'll keep you posted and put up images of all the covers as soon as I'm able to (and have seen them myself). And regardless of what covers you see, remember the most important thing of all: the books themselves aren't changing on the inside! The story will stay the same. :)"
I början av november så kommer alla böcker i serien Vampire Academy komma ut igen med ett nytt omslag, det första omslaget (första boken) kommer att se ut såhär:

Det amerikanska omslaget, fast VAsymbolen är framför och det är lite reklam om filmen. Richelle vet dock bara att detta omslaget kommer att finnas i USA, hon har inte hört något annat.
Sedan kommer de andra böckerna i sin tur att också komma ut med ett nytt omslag.
Det är i december som det händer, då kommer det komma ut ytterligare nya omslag på böckerna, fast de kommer att vara med skådespelarna (Zoey, Lissa, Danila osv.)!
Senare kommer det också att komma ut som ett set med alla böcker (med skådepslearna på omslaget) och man kommer att kunna köpa alla tillsammans och få med en bok hur det var att göra filmen.
Senare kommer det också att komma ut som ett set med alla böcker (med skådepslearna på omslaget) och man kommer att kunna köpa alla tillsammans och få med en bok hur det var att göra filmen.
Hur spännande? Själv kommer jag att köpa böckerna med omslaget med skådespelarna, häftigt att ha det i sin bokhylla! Är tveksam på att det kommer att komma ut i Sverige, så då får man beställa böckerna från USA och läsa dem på engelska. Jag har redan hela serien på svenska hemma och vet att jag ska köpa den på engelska, då passar det här utmärkt! :)